Weekly Parsha Thoughts


The passuk states ויתילדו על משפחותם לבית אבותם and they made themselves born upon their families to their father’s house. What does this mean? And how did they do this? The Ramban explains that everyone from the nation of Yisroel, aside from...
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The passuk states that those who are remaining will melt for their aveiros and also בעונות אבותם אתם ימקו for the aveiros of their father with them they will be melted. The Gemara asks: the passuk in Ki Seitzei however states  לא...
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The passuk states that a lender should not take נשך and תרבית. The following passuk states; “your money do not give him בנשך, and במרבית do not give your food.” Why does the Torah use two lashonos of נשך and רבית? And...
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The pesukim mention by the Yomim Tovim מקראי קודש, and מקרא קודש. Rashi explains this is an “expression of holiness,” which means one needs to sanctify the Yomim Tovim with food, drink, clean clothes, and davening. On Yom Kippur when we fast,...
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The parsha teaches that one who worships the molech gets the punishment of skillah, stoning. Rashi explains this is an avodah zarah where a father gives over his son to the priest and the priest walks the son through two blazing fires....
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Acharei Mos

The passuk states “and you shall guard My decrees and My laws… וחי בהם and you shall live with them.” What does the Torah mean to teach with וחי בהם? The Rashbam explains if a person does not fulfill the mitzvos he...
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