Weekly Parsha Thoughts


The passuk states that Yosef commanded the brothers, “אל תרגזו בדרך.” What does תרגזו mean, and what did Yosef warn the brothers about? Rashi explains Yosef was afraid that the brothers who were embarrassed about the whole episode, might fight on the...
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Yosef tells the brothers, “את האלקים אני ירא, I fear G-d.” In Parshas Vayechi it states, “התחת אלקים אני,” which Rashi explains as a question, “Am I in place of Hashem? If I would have wanted to do bad to you, would...
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The passuk states about Yaakov, “ויעל מעליו אלוקים, and G-d left by ascending from being over him.” The Ramban explains that this is like it states about Avraham, “ויעל אלוקים מעל אברהם, and G-d left by ascending from being over Avraham.” In...
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The passuk states that Hashem benched Yaakov, “והיה זרעך כעפר הארץ, and your offspring will be as the dirt of the land.” What is special about having offspring as dirt? Rabbeinu Bachya explains that Hashem promised Yaakov that he will have a...
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The passuk states “עקב אשר שמע אברהם בקולי וישמר משמרתי מצותי חקותי ותורותי, since Avraham listened to My voice, and he guarded My watch, My mitzvos, My statutes, and My Toros.” Rashi explains that Avraham listened to Hashem when He tested Avraham,...
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Chayei Sara

The pessukim mention that Eliezer – on his own – asked Hashem for a specific method how to find a bride for Yitzchak. It should happen today, by way of drawing water, and she should say “you and your camels should drink.”...
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