Weekly Parsha Thoughts


The passuk states about the two sons of Moshe, “שם האחד גרשם כי אמר גר הייתי בארץ נכריה, the name of one of them was Gershom, since he said, ‘I was a dweller in a foreign land.’” The Ramban explains that Moshe...
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I’d like to discuss a few miracles which happened with the mon. Midrash Tanchuma brings, come and see how cherished Yisrael is before Hashem that He changed the creation of the world for them by making the top to be the bottom,...
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At the beginning of Parshas Va’eira Moshe tells Bnei Yisrael that Hashem will take them out of Mitzrayim, bring them into the land that Hashem promised, and give them the land. The passuk states, “ולא שמעו אל משה מקצר רוח ומעבדה קשה,...
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Rabeinu Bachya says that by each of the makos there were many miracles. What were the miracles that Hashem performed by the makah of shechin? The passuk states that Hashem said to Moshe and Aharon “קחו לכם מלא חפניכם פיח כבשן וזרקו...
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In Pashas Vayigash the pessukim list the children of Yaakov who descended to Mitzrayim. The passuk states that all the sons and daughters of Leah were 33. Rashi is bothered, in the count of the pessukim, it only states 32 children? Rashi...
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The passuk states that Yosef spoke to the household of Pharaoh to speak on his behalf to Pharaoh. He mentioned that his father made him take an oath to bury him in the land of Canaan. A friend of mine, Reb Sklar...
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