Weekly Parsha Thoughts


Yosef reveals himself to his brothers and to prove this says כי פי המדבר אליכם my mouth is speaking to you. What does Yosef mean to say? Rashi explains that “I am Yosef your brother since my mouth speaks to you with...
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The passuk states that Pharaoh said, “and behold 7 other cows were coming up after them דלות ורעות תואר מאד ורקות בשר.” When Yosef said over the dreams and explained them he did not mention the word דלות. Why didn’t Yosef mention...
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At the beginning of the parsha the pesukim tell us that Yosef had two dreams. The first dream was with bundles of grain. Yosef’s bundle stood up tall and the other bundles surrounded Yosef’s bundle and bowed down to his bundle. The...
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The passuk states: Yaakov said “please save me from the hands of my brother, from the hands of Eisav.”  The Beis HaLevi asks, we know that Yaakov had one brother, Eisav, why then did Yaakov mention “מיד עשו from the hand of...
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The passuk says “and she (Leah) became pregnant and gave birth to a son and she said, ‘this time I will thank Hashem.’ Therefore she called his name Yehuda.” Rashi explains “this time I will thank” because now that I have taken...
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The passuk states ויעתר יצחק לה’ לנכח אשתו כי עקרה היא ויעתר לו ה’. Rashi explains the lashon עתר is from the lashon of ועתר ענן קטורת and a cloud of ketores increased; both Yitzchak and Rivkah increased, urged, and appeased Hashem,...
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