Weekly Parsha Thoughts


The Gemara brings that leprosy could come for seven possible reasons. One reason mentioned is for having a צרת עין, for being stingy. This is derived from the passuk which states ובא אשר לו הבית and he will come, that which the...
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The passuk states that the kiyor, water basin, and its base were built “במראות הצובאות.” What does this refer to? Rashi brings from Rebi Tanchuma: in Mitzrayim the Jewish women had mirrors which they used to decorate themselves for their husbands. The...
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Ki Sisa

The passuk states: Hashem says to Moshe ועתה הניחה לי… ואכלם and now “leave” Me… and I will destroy them. Similarly in Parshas Eikev it states הרף ממני ואשמידם “loosen up from Me” and I will destroy them. Onkelos translates both הניחה...
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The passuk states “And the sanctified clothes of Aharon shall be for his sons after him למשחה בהם” which Onkelos translates as “to make them great.” Also Onkelos translates שמן המשחה as “the oil of greatness.” What does “greatness” reflect? Rashi explains...
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The passuk states ויקחו לי תרומה. Rashi explains “they shall separate for My sake.” Onkelos translates differently, “and they shall separate before Me a separation.” Further on in the parsha it states ועשו לי מקדש. Rashi explains “and they shall make a...
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The passuk states רק שבתו יתן ורפא ירפא which Onkelos translates as “only give for his idleness, and he shall pay money for the doctor. The Nefesh HaGer explains that Onkelos translates “and he shall pay money for the doctor” to hint...
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