Acharei Mos-Kedoshim
The passuk says, “And he (Aharon, the Kohen Gadol) shall put incense on the fire before Hashem.” The Gemara explains that the Kohen Gadol needs to put the incense on the fire inside the Kodesh HaKodoshim, not outside. This is as opposed to the belief of the tzedokim who would wrongly explain the passuk– that the Kohen Gadol should put the incense on the fire outside, before coming in.
The Divrei Sha’arei Chaim brings that the proper way for a Yid is to first burn the fire of avodas Hashem in one’s heart. Only then, once he has lit up a glowing fire within himself, can he reach outwards towards others and spread his influence. The tzedokim, however, wrongly do the opposite. First they try to teach others Torah and mussar, while they themselves are still far from having the flame of avodas Hashem within their own hearts.
The Ma’ayana shel Torah brings that this idea is spelled out in the words of the passuk, “and he shall put the ketores on the fire before Hashem.” A Yid should first burn within himself the fire of avodas Hashem and then he can extend outwards; just as the Kohen Gadol burns the incense inside the Kodesh HaKodoshim. The tzedokim interpret the passuk wrongly and therefore also act improperly.
The passuk in Mishlei says, “Drink water from your בור (pit), and flowing water from your באר (wellspring).” The Vilna Gaon explains that a בור contains water within it, and when it’s emptied out nothing remains, whereas a באר bursts forth with fresh flowing water which replenishes its supply. He explains more that בור refers to learning Torah from one’s Rebbe, while באר refers to being mechadesh new things like an overflowing fountain. Similarly, before doing kiruv rechokim one has to check himself out; is he only giving over what he’s learnt or is he able to continue to grow on his own? When a person overflows with new ideas he will continuously keep strong to his roots and be a wellspring to inspire others. Whereas if one empties himself out he is in danger of becoming mikurav instead of being mikarev!
May we all be zoche to light the fire of avodas Hashem within ourselves and afterwards spread light to all of Klal Yisrael!