Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The Gemara in Maseches Avoda Zara brings Rav Chanina bar Papa, and some say Rav Simlai, was doresh: l’asid lavo, Hashem will bring a Sefer Torah and place it on His lap and say, “Whoever toiled in it shall come and take reward.” Immediately all the nations will gather together and come. First the Romans who are the most important enter, and Hashem says to them “What were you involved with?” They answer, “Master of the world, we made many marketplaces and bathhouses, and gathered much silver and gold, and all of this was done solely for Yisrael to learn Torah.” Hashem said, “Fools! Whatever you did was done for yourself, for your own personal pleasure and benefit.” They leave in despair. The Persians, who are second in importance, come next. Hashem asks them, “What were you involved  with?” They respond, “Master of the world, we built many bridges, conquered many cities, and fought many wars, and all of this was done solely for Yisrael to learn Torah.” Hashem responds, “Whatever you did was done for yourself…” and they too leave in despair. This continued with every nation.

The Griz asks: only the truth will exist l’asid lavo; how then can the nations claim that everything they did was for Yisrael? There is no greater lie than this! Isn’t it obvious that it was all done for themselves?

The Grach answers:  the Midrash says that everything was created for the Torah. Hashem made the entire world to serve man, and enable him to learn Torah. This is as the passuk says “בראשית ברא אלקים” on which Rashi brings Chazal that explain: for the Torah and Yisrael who are called ראשית. For example, the railroad was built from Petersburg to enable a ben Torah to travel easily to Volohzin. Also, the railroad to the Far East was definitely made for Yeshivas Mir to travel during the war to Shanghai. Even if we don’t understand the purpose for things, Hashem has a purpose which will become known later as to how everything is solely for the Torah and those who learn it.

When the nations will come on the Day of Judgment and claim that what they did was for Yisrael to learn Torah, it is one hundred percent true. However, their claim of why they did it was one hundred percent false, for they did it for themselves.

May Hashem help us fulfill His ultimate purpose of creation, for Yisrael to learn His Torah!

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