Thoughts from Kollel KLAL


The passuk says איש על דגלו באותות, a man by his flag “”באותות. What is the meaning of באותות? Rashi explains every shevet had a flag with the colors of their stone which was on the choshen. This way each and every person recognized the flag of their shevet.

Rashi also brings באותות to mean the os which Yaakov gave them how to carry him from Mitzrayim to bury him. To the east was Yehudah, Yissochor, and Zevulun; south was Reuvain, Shimon and Gad; west was Efraim, Menashe, and Binyomin; and north was Dan, Asher, and Naftali.

The pesukim also mention where the Levi’im camped. Gershon was west, Kehas was south, and Merori was north. Moshe and Aharon and their children were on the east side.

Rashi brings next to where Kehas camped and traveled was shevet Reuvain. אוי לרשע אוי לשכנו. Korach was from Kehas who had a bad impact on shevet Reuvain. 250 heads of Sanhedrin of that shevet went after Korach, against Moshe Rabeinu. Yehudah, Yissocher, and Zevulun who camped next to Moshe, Aharon, and his children, were inspired to become great in Torah and ruchniyus; טוב לצדיק טוב לשכינו.

The Raav in mishnayos brings two meshalim: if someone goes into a leather shop to buy a hide, when he leaves he will smell like leather, even if he didn’t buy anything.

If someone goes into a perfume store, even if he doesn’t buy any perfume he will acquire a good smell. By being amongst the Rabbonim and ovdei Hashem, one will acquire a positive influence.

Simply the phrases of אוי לרשע אוי לשכנו and טוב לצדיק טוב לשכינו apply to living next to or being with another constantly. From the Raav we see even being around bad or good people and places a little bit leaves an influence and impression.

May Hashem help us always be amongst people who we can learn from and grow in our avodas Hashem!

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