The Gemara writes, a person who enters his granary to measure his grain recites a beracha, “It shall be the will of Hashem my G-d, and the G-d of my father, that He shall send beracha in this pile of grain. If he first measures and afterwards says this beracha, it is a davening for naught. Beracha is found by something which is hidden from the eye as it states, “יצו ה’ אתך את הברכה באסמיך, Hashem will command the blessing in your storehouse.” The words באסמיך hints at “סמוי, something which is hidden.” The question arises, what is the difference between before and after one counts or measures his grain? Either way the grain is there in the pile before the person!
Rabbeinu Bachya explains that there are two types of miracles, hidden miracles and pronounced miracles. Pronounced miracles are those which Hashem performed when we left Mitzrayim, with the makkos, kriyas Yam Suf, and the mahn. These were changes in “teva, the ordinary nature of creation.” Hidden miracles are those which happened with the Avos, for example, Avraham won the battle against the kings. Although it seemed to be part of the ordinary routine of the world, it was a hidden miracle. These types miracles still occur. So too by the grain, when you have a pile that is not counted or measured, beracha can take affect and it will add onto the amount without it being noticed. However, once the amount of grain is known, it will be a pronounced miracle. Not everyone merits to have such types of miracles.
Purim is known to be the Yom Tov that we celebrate Hashem’s hidden miracles. It doesn’t mention the Shem Hashem explicitly throughout the entire Megillah, only in a hidden way. There is a custom to get dressed up and to wear masks. This is “ונהפוך הוא,” and out of excitement of the miracles. Also, the unusual dress-code represents hiding and concealing the truth. It was unclear why Vashti was killed, then Esther was chosen to be queen. Mordechai heard about Bigson and Seresh planning to assonate the king. Haman became a ruler and decreed to kill all the Jews. This became crystal clear by thinking about the sequence of events which presented the complete picture. Vashti was killed to appoint Esther to save the Jews. Haman became ruler to cause us to repent. Mordechai heard about Bigson and Seresh’s plan to be written in the books and be presented exactly when Haman came to kill him. The Megillah is full of hidden miracles that Hashem performed to save us. The Purim dress-code catches our attention to notice that Hashem is constantly performing hidden miracles. So too, Hashem performs hidden miracles for us too. May we pay attention and notice the hidden miracles that Hashem performs for us!